Radley Retirement Group

Radley Retirement Group

Radley Retirement Group were founded in 1989, and their aim is to provide a safe and welcoming meeting place for retired residents of Radley and surrounding areas.

The group meet on the second Tuesday of the month in Radley Village Hall. Doors open at 13:30 and the meeting starts at 14:00. The afternoon starts with the business meeting, followed by a social event. This could be a speaker, entertainer or something special appertaining to the month.

Topics are wide ranging from serious information to just plain frivolous. The meeting is rounded off with a raffle, tea, coffee, and biscuit and general chat.

During April through to September they arrange an outing usually on the third Tuesday of the month. They visit places of interest, gardens, stately homes etc and have an annual meeting to the seaside. In the winter months they have a film show, which is open for all.

The club arranges two holidays a year. One abroad and one in UK. These are open to all, not just members of Radley Retirement Group.

To raise funds, the Clubs runs the fortnightly Bingo in the village hall. All are welcome.

The group is run by committee , each member of which has their own task – catering, outgoings, speakers etc.