Radley Church Room is available to hire
- 25 feet square in size and has tables and chairs to accommodate 45 people.
- Heating and WIFI.
- Kitchen has a water heater and basic catering facilities which can be used for prepared food.
- Crockery and cutlery available for about 30 people.
- A toilet for disabled people and another unisex toilet.
- Front door has a ramp for wheelchair access.
- Car park is adjacent to the new cemetery for use.
Conditions to be aware of:
- The room must be vacated by midnight and every effort made to be quiet when leaving.
- The room is not licensed for public entertainment or gaming or for consuming alcohol.
- The kitchen cannot be used for food preparation.
- The room must be left tidy and cleaned after use.
- Alcohol can be consumed but not sold
- £16 per hour
- £8 per hour for charities
- For more information on hire costs and availability please contact the booking secretary-Gill Dean on gilldean50@gmail.com