At St James Bellringing has been an integral part of Sunday Services letting people know
that Sunday worship is about to begin. However, it is much more than that, it brings people together
regardless of ability, faith, gender and race. We are a friendly group and anyone who is fascinated by
the art of bell ringing will be made most welcome on practice nights. Nearly everyone who comes
along has a go at handling a bell under supervision. Have a go whatever your age – you never know,
it may be for you! Anyone who has progressed as far as Sunday ringing will be invited to join the
Guild of Ringers which provides further training and many interesting events at different towers
around the Diocese.
- Location: Radley church tower
- Practise Night Thursday 7.30pm – 9.00pm
- Sunday Ringing 10.30am – 11.00am
Price: No Fee
Contact Details:
Tower Captain – Daphne Pollard
Phone – number – 07579219601
Email –
Bellringer – Sally Mulholland
Phone – 07511701218
Email –