1st Radley Brownies & Guides

1st Radley Brownies & Guides

1st Radley Brownies and Guides

By girls, for girls, powered by volunteers.

We’re the UK’s largest youth organisation dedicated completely to girls. We give over 300 000 girls from 4-18 a space just for them. We help all girls know they can do anything.

In Radley we run weekly meetings, and occasional trips and residentials for Brownies, aged 7-10, and Guides, aged 10 -14. We meet on Thursdays at Radley Village Hall, 5:30 -7pm for Brownies and 7:15 -8:45pm for Guides. Volunteers of all ages are always welcome.

For more information, please contact Karen Clarke at radleyguides1@gmail.com, or register your interest at https://www.girlguiding.org.uk