Friends of Radley Primary School

Friends of Radley Primary School

Friends of Radley Primary School (FoRPS) is a registered charity and are a fundraising committee consisting of parents and carers, providing additional funds for various projects and resources to benefit Radley C of E Primary school and the families that attend.

For the first half of 2024 FoRPS was successful in raising over £23,000.00 with the amazing support of the community and local businesses to retarmac the school playground, add new playground lines (soon to be actioned) and purchase outdoor equipment for all the children to enjoy.

FoRPS are now fundraising to aid with the transformation of the Old School Building into a library.

For the past two years FoRPS has organised a Summer School Fete for the whole community to enjoy. In previous years the fete has included local community stalls such as Radley Girlguides, Radley History Club, WI, Radley Parish Council, Radley Lakes Trust, Radley College Reptile Zoo, and in 2024 the event was held in conjunction with the Radley Flower Show.

If you would like to volunteer any of your time towards any Friends of Radley Primary School activities then please email: