Crs Crowley (Chairman), Barnfather, Frank, Henderson, Johnston, McDermott, Moggridge, Sparks and Tannahill.
2024 Round Up
This year has been busy for the Parish Council working on the specifications for the new Rotunda community centre that will be situated in North Radley in The Lawns estate and working towards the build being completed in 2025.
The work required on the new community centre has seen a delay on the refurbishment of the Village Hall and the adjacent play park, and current plans are for these projects to start up in 2025 once the main build of the new community centre has been completed.
Along with working on major projects in the Parish, this year has also seen the Parish Council:
- Support Radley Lakes Trust with their masterplan
- Support Radley Environment Group by purchasing 2,500 bulbs which were planted around the Parish in Spring
- Claim S106 funds to install three bus shelters
- Supported 7 charities / local events
- Inspected 74 trees every month
- Carry out 57 play park safety inspections
- Carry out 338 hours of litter picking, and arranged a litter picking event
- Carry out weekly inspections of the 3 defibrillators
- 74 reports made and rectified via Fix My Street by the parish superusers
- Commented on 27 planning applications
- Resolved water pressure issues for Spinneys Close allotments
- Built a new secure and accessible Parish website
- Dealt with over 3000 business of the council email correspondences over the year
In 2025 we will start the new year with our new website and continue working on day-to-day business striving to do our best for residents of Radley – including continuing to support Lower Radley residents with challenging Thames Water, work on how best to manage the wildflower meadows, and the CIL projects.
New Radley Parish Website – radleyparish.gov.uk
Radley Parish Council has created a new gov.uk website, which will go live on Tuesday 10th December! The new web address is radleyparish.gov.uk. The radleyvillage.org.uk website will be closed after 20+ years of providing residents a wealth of information over the years. Traffic to the old website will be redirected to the new website. A big thank you goes to Tony Stoyle for all his help in maintaining the website for the Parish Council over the years.
Radley Boys
A big thank you goes to the Radley Boys volunteers who have been helping tidy up the Parish on Wednesdays. They have recently cleaned bus shelters, cleared pathways and been collecting fallen leaves.
Stonhouse Crescent Garages
The derelict garages will be removed starting on 25th November. The work is expected to take 5 days. It has been a 5 week process including 2 weeks’ notification to Health and Safety Executive due to presence of asbestos and drug paraphernalia, followed by clearance of the site by Sovereign’s contractor AA Woods.
Have Your Say event – 7th January
PCSO Maddie Highmoor is holding a Have Your Say Event on Tuesday 7th January at 10am in Radley Village Hall. Residents are invited to come along to meet Maddie and to raise any concerns they may have.
Next Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 12th December at 7.30pm in the Radley Church Room.