Crs Crowley (Chairman), Barnfather, Frank, Henderson, Johnston, McDermott, Moggridge, Sparks and Tannahill.
North Radley Room – Radley Rotunda – update
As I write, the Council is preparing to sign the agreement which will transfer the site for the new community building from Redrow to the Parish Council.
Once a few final issues have been resolved, a Building Regulations application can be made, and those parts of the work which will be done directly by the Parish Council will go out to tender.
Can you help with photographs for the new website? If there a particular view or image which you think represents Radley and would be happy for it to be used on the website, please send it to assistant.clerk@radleyparish.org.
Thank you to everyone who replied to our survey. Your responses will be very helpful in deciding the content for the new website.
Have Your Say event 1st September
PCSO Maddie Highmoor is holding a Have Your Say Event on Sunday 1st September at 3pm in Radley Village Hall. Residents are invited to come along to meet Maddie and to raise any concerns they may have.
Road closures
Kennington, Sandford Lane – reminder: The temporary closure is to facilitate carriageway patching works and will operate on 24 September 2024 up to and including 25 September 2024. This will operate between 20:00 and 06:00.
Councillor vacancies
Radley Parish Council would like to co-opt two councillors. If you think you might be interested in joining the Council and would like to hear more about what is involved, you are welcome to contact the clerk or one of the councillors or come along to a meeting.
Next Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 26th September at 7.30pm in the Radley Church Room.