
RPC Monthly Update – October 2024

Monthly Community Updates Uploaded on December 8, 2024


Crs Crowley (Chairman), Barnfather, Frank, Henderson, Johnston,McDermott, Moggridge, Sparks and Tannahill.

CONSULTATION – Radley proposed 20mph speed limits

Oxfordshire County Council is consulting on proposed 20mph limits in Radley, the details can be found on the Radley Village website.

As stated on the notice, any objections or other representations on the proposal should be submitted by Friday 11th October 2024.

CONSULTATION – Oxford Road (Kennington) proposed 40mph Speed Limit

OCC are seeking your views on the proposal to introduce a 40mph speed limit (in place of the current 50mph speed limit) on Oxford Road through Bagley Wood, between the Abingdon ‘ring-road’ & the top of Hinksey Hill in Kennington. Please go to the Radley Village website for details.

The CIL projects

Further delays on the land transfer from Redrow and finalising the design of the building with Rotunda have pushed back the North Radley Room starting on site, while unexpectedly stringent conditions on the planning permission have required the appointment of specialist consultants. We hope to be able to report a firm programme next month.

Radley Village Hall will remain open for bookings until Easter 2025, by when the North Radley Room should be open for use. The architect is working on clearing conditions on the planning permission and will then move on to construction drawings.

Have Your Say event – 2nd November

PCSO Maddie Highmoor is holding a Have Your Say Event on Saturday 2nd November at 10am in Radley Village Hall. Residents are invited to come along to meet Maddie and to raise any concerns they may have.

Councillor vacancies

Radley Parish Council would like to co-opt two councillors. If you think you might be interested in joining the Council and would like to hear more about what is involved, you are welcome to contact the clerk or one of the councillors or come along to a meeting.

Next Parish Council Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 24th October at 7.30pm in the Radley Church Room.