
RPC Monthly Update – November 2024

Monthly Community Updates Uploaded on December 8, 2024


Crs Crowley (Chairman), Barnfather, Frank, Henderson, Johnston, McDermott, Moggridge, Sparks and Tannahill.

New Radley Parish Website

Radley Parish Council is currently in the process of building a new Parish website to replace Thank you to everyone who provided feedback, it has helped shape the layout and the content for the new website. The new website will be easier to navigate and have informative up to date content for residents. The launch date is to be confirmed, but it will be around November / December time.

Garages behind 9-11 Stonhouse Crescent

Radley Parish Council are aware of the derelict garages which are the under the ownership of Sovereign Housing Association, and Sovereign have committed to clearing the site once a health and safety assessment has been undertaken due to the presence of asbestos and items littered. Radley Parish Council is pressing for a programme of dates for when the work will be carried out.

Rotunda – North Radley Community Centre

The land transfer of the Rotunda site from Redrow to Radley Parish Council has now been completed and the Building Regulation application has been submitted. This will allow ground works to proceed, and the land prepared for the building.

Have Your Say event – 2nd November

PCSO Maddie Highmoor is holding a Have Your Say Event on Saturday 2nd November at 10am in Radley Village Hall. Residents are invited to come along to meet Maddie and to raise any concerns they may have.

Road Closures

Temporary Road Closure at Kennington, Oxford Road

This will operate from 29 November 2024 up to and including 30 November 2024, between 19:30 and 06:00.

Councillor vacancies

Radley Parish Council would like to co-opt two councillors. If you think you might be interested in joining the Council and would like to hear more about what is involved, you are welcome to contact the clerk or one of the councillors or come along to a meeting.

Next Parish Council Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 28th November at 7.30pm in the Radley Church Room.