Crs Crowley (Chairman), Barnfather, Cook, Frank, Henderson, Johnston, McDermott, Moggridge, Sparks and Tannahill.
Vacancy – Village Lengthsman
Radley Parish Council wishes to appoint a Village Lengthsman to carry out various works in and around the parish. Closing date for applications is by 4pm on Tuesday 20th August. Please go the Radley Parish website or contact the Clerk for more details.
Radley Primary School Summer Fete
The councillors had a great time at the school fete that was held on the 13th July in conjunction with the Radley Flower show and chatted with lots of visitors at the Parish Council stall. A fun kids treasure hunt quiz was held by the councillors and the winner won a gift voucher to Sprouts Playbarn. It was wonderful to be part of the community event that raised money for Radley Primary Schools Playground Improvements Campaign.
Please may we ask that residents maintain their hedges and /or trees so that they do not obstruct pathways.
Road Closures
Kennington, Bagley Wood Road
The temporary closure to facilitate carriageway patching works will operate on 20 August 2024. This will operate between 08:00 and 17:00.
Kennington, Sandford Lane
The temporary closure is to facilitate carriageway patching works and will operate on 24 September 2024 up to and including 25 September 2024. This will operate between 20:00 and 06:00.
Radley Parish Council Meeting
The next Radley Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 26th September at 7.30pm in the Radley Church Room. But please keep a watch on the Radley Village website for any changes.