
Radley Parish Council: FY 2023-2024

Expenditure £500+ Uploaded on December 8, 2024
Radley Parish Council: 2023-2024
Expenditure: Over £500 (Note: does not include salaries, HMRC, or pension payments)
Invoice Date Ref Supplier Item  Gross  Category
14/04/2023 5 BHIB Council Insurance  £        1,766.85 Overheads
30/04/2023 18 Ady Podbery Grounds Care Playing Field Maintenance  £           709.20 Playing Field, Village Hall, Conservation
31/05/2023 33 Ady Podbery Grounds Care Playing Field Maintenance  £           709.20 Playing Field, Village Hall, Conservation
09/06/2023 34 Externiture Ltd Radley Bus Shelter Refurbs  £        4,021.74 Village improvements
30/06/2023 51 Ady Podbery Grass cutting and clearance  £        1,416.60 Playing Field, Village Hall, Conservation
28/07/2023 58 Recycled Furniture 2no. benches for Lower Radley junction  £           996.00 Village improvements
28/07/2023 59 Bus Shelters Ltd Replacement bus shelter Foxborough Road  £        6,391.94 Village improvements
31/07/2023 63 Ady Podbery Gardening  £           656.40 Playing Field, Village Hall, Conservation
31/08/2023 74 Ady Podbery Gardening  £           920.40 Playing Field, Village Hall, Conservation
11/09/2023 76 Rialtas Moving software to Income & Expenditure  £           642.00 Overheads – IT
27/09/2023 84 Moore External Audit fee  £        1,638.00 Overheads – Audit
24/09/2023 85 Oxford Tree Surgeons Lower Churchyard remove dead tree  £        1,144.00 Conservation
30/09/2023 87 Ady Podbery Gardening  £           764.40 Playing Field, Village Hall, Conservation
30/10/2023 100 Lubbe & Sons (Bulbs) Ltd Flower Bulbs  £           525.60 Conservation
29/11/2023 114 The Abingdon Bridge Grant Payment  £           500.00 Grants
29/11/2023 115 Home Start Oxfordshire Grant Payment  £           500.00 Grants
29/11/2023 116 Oxfordshire South and Vale Citizens Advice Bureau Grant Payment  £        1,800.00 Grants
14/12/2023 129 Mind Oxfordshire Grant Payment  £           500.00 Grants
18/12/2023 131 Radley PCC Room hire 2023 in arrears and 2024  £           636.00 Overheads
04/01/2024 134 Ross Roofing Pavilion Flat Roof Work  £        2,170.80 Pavilion
18/01/2024 139 Ross Roofing Pavilion Flat Roof Work  £        6,512.40 Pavilion
21/02/2024 155 Notes on Philanthropy Fundraiser for CIL projects 2 days  £           900.00 CIL Projects
01/03/2024 164 OALC Membership  £           591.13 Overheads
04/03/2024 166 Radley College Lease – Village Pond, Car Park & Playing Field  £        1,133.55 Playing field, car park