
MINUTES – September 2022

Minutes Uploaded on October 18, 2024



PRESENT:                Crs Crowley (Chairman), Barnfather, Dudding, Fraser, Henderson, Johnston, Mulholland, Smith, Sparks, Standen.

IN ATTENDANCE: District Councillor Lugova, the Lengthsman and the Clerk



Crs Henderson, Johnston, Smith and Dudding declared interests as trustees of the Village Hall.

  Councillors were asked to complete and submit new registers of interest for updating in line with the new Code of Conduct
  Proposed Cr Johnston, seconded by Cr Standen and

·       RESOLVED to pass a resolution to sign up to the civility and respect pledge.

Proposed Cr Smith seconded Cr Fraser and

·       RESOLVED to adopt OALC’s draft Dignity at Work policy


It was noted that Cr Dudding has been granted a dispensation under sections 33(2) (c) and (e) of the Localism Act 2011 because it is in the interests of persons living in the parish that to ensure that the parish council’s financial interests are properly protected in the Council’s dealings with the Radley Lakes Trust that she should be able to speak at meetings on relevant matters.


On behalf of Friends of Radley Primary School, Cr Fraser thanked the Council for  allowing them to hold their annual barbecue on the field.  It had been very successful event.


It was agreed that 88/22a.iv should read:

 2. Heating the village hall and pavilion:

The Council had considered the report from M&E consultants Fraser Walker on heating options for the village hall and pavilion. Cr Dudding explained that the consultants had reported that installing heat pumps instead of gas boilers would increase costs for the village hall by £29k and the pavilion by £17k. The installation of PV panels on the pavilion roof and a connecting cable to the Village Hall would cost another £20k plus an estimated £15k – £20k to strengthen the pavilion roof structure. While gas boilers would be a cheaper option, Cr Dudding argued that burning fossil fuels onsite was not consistent with zero carbon policy targets and should not be supported by the Council. It was proposed by Cr Dudding, seconded by Cr Mulholland and

·       RESOLVED that further advice should be sought on the costs of the options for heating the village hall and pavilion but in the meantime the planning application should assume the installation of air source heat pumps on both buildings and PV panels on the pavilion roof.


With that amendment, the Council RESOLVED that the minutes were an accurate account of the meeting.

  A number of bike thefts had been reported locally, including two expensive bikes from Sunningwell.
(a) DEVELOPMENT STEERING GROUP: The meeting planned for 1st September had been postponed to October 6th.  Updates were deferred to that meeting.


An officer had replied to the Council’s request to VWHDC for CIL money to be used to upgrade Barrow Hills BMX track suggesting that the Parish Council might like to fund updates from their own CIL receipts.  He had offered a meeting to discuss, but not followed with dates.  District Council Lugova undertook to follow this up with officers.


NW Radley:

Planning application P21/V2273/DIS:

Discharge of conditions -24 (Clearance and survey of existing culvert and ditch), 27 (Wastewater Housing and Infrastructure Phasing Plan) & 29 (Landscape and Ecology Management Plan) in application P17/V1894/O. As per Supplementary information received 29 September 2021 and 20 October 2021 and 19 September 2022. Outline planning application for up to 240 dwellings (comprising a mix of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom dwellings) including affordable housing, open space and all associated ancillary works with all matters reserved except access:The Council had no comment on this application.


Local concerns were noted that work on site had caused the ditch across the site to dry up.

·       S Kennington: None


The Old Coalyard:

OCC Enforcement’s holding response was that they were considering their response to the Planning Contravention Notice.

·       RESOLVED that the Council would write to Enforcement again asking what progress had been made.  


·       CONFIRMED scrutiny and acceptance of the bank statements and reconciliation, all of which were saved in the shared file.


The Council acknowledged scrutiny of the invoices for payment this month and

It was proposed by Cr -Henderson, seconded by Cr Dudding and

·       RESOLVED that the accounts as itemised on the monthly cashbooks for August and September should be paid.

Income   None      
Expenditure Ref Supplier Item Payment Power to Act
Date     (Gross)  
30/7/22 DD Screwfix Fixing ring for SIDs 14.99 Highways Act 1980
  DD FFX Gardening tools 60.20 Highways Act 1980
3/8/22 DD Google PC email addresses 60.23 LG Act 1972 s101
  DD Everflow Water supply allotments, pavilion

(Account in credit)



LG (Misc Provisions)1976

Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908

7/8/22 DD ICO Annual licence 35.00 LG Act 1972 s101
  DD Opus Energy Pavilion electricity 89.55 LG (Misc Provisions)1976
15/8/22 345 Mr J Rogerson Salary 65.00 Highways Act 1980 s96
25/8/22 346 HMRC PAYE and NI 551.95 LG Act 1972 s112
  347 OCC Pension Fund Staff/employer contributions 868.26 LG Act 1972 s112
  348 Ady Podbery Gardening 697.32 LG (Misc Provisions)1976
  349 Jon Sherwood Lower churchyard maintenance 60.00 LG Act 1972 s215
  350 Copycat Garden Competition certificates 78.00 Localism Act 2011
  351 ST Grounds Maintenance Bin emptying 92.70 Public Health Act 1936
  352 MRH Services Play area inspection and repairs 643.00 Open Spaces Act 1906
  353 Royal British Legion Speed camera warning signs 124.68 Local Government and Rating Act 1997
31/8/22 354 Mrs J E Dymock Salary (net) plus refunds 1701.20


LG Act 1972 s112
  355 Mr C P Lee Salary and refund for charging SIDs 444.69


LG Act 1972 s112
  356 Mr J Rogerson Salary 71.59 Highways Act 1980 s96
2/9/22   VWHDC Precept 2nd half 28,159.00  
      Playing Field hire 150.00  
  357 Eden Tree Surgery Tree surgery allotments 370.00 Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908
  358 Andrew Bird Assoc QS Services 408.00  
3/9/22 DD Google PC email addresses 60.23 LG Act 1972 s101
  DD Everflow Water supply allotments, pavilion

(Account in credit)



LG (Misc Provisions)1976

Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908

15/9/22 DD Opus Energy Pavilion electricity 29.01 LG (Misc Provisions)1976
  DD Brightpay HR software add on 1.68 LG Act 1972 s111
  359 Jon Rogerson Salary 65.00 LG Act 1972 s112
29/9/22 360 HMRC PAYE and NI 551.95 LG Act 1972 s112
  361 OCC Pension Fund Staff/employer contributions 868.26 LG Act 1972 s112
  362 Ady Podbery Gardening 697.32 LG (Misc Provisions)1976
  363 Jon Sherwood Lower churchyard maintenance 60.00 LG Act 1972 s215
  364 ST Grounds Maintenance Bin emptying 92.70 Public Health Act 1936
  365 Total Pest Control Wasp nest treatment pavilion 80.00 LG (Misc Provisions)1976
  366 OALC New councillor training 132.00 LG Act 1972 s111
  367 TWM Traffic Controls Fixing clips for SIDs 252.00 Local Government and Rating Act 1997
  368 Moore External Audit 1200.00 Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015
30/9/22 369 Mrs J Dymock Salary and refunds 2008.98 LG Act 1972 s112
  370 Mr C Lee Salary and refunds 517.59 LG Act 1972 s112
  371 Mr J Rogerson Salary 71.59 LG Act 1972 s112

The job advert for the position of Assistant clerk had gone live with a closing date of 21st October.

·       RESOLVED to delegate to the clerk with the interview panel to make an appointment.

(d) A field booking on 5th November for a Diwali celebration was noted

Proposed by Cr Smith, seconded by Cr Fraser

·       RESOLVED to accept a quote of £3,351 for bus shelter repairs to refurbish the station (Abingdon direction) bus shelter and to replace missing or damaged glazing on the Pebble Hill shelters

·       RESOLVED to accept a quote of £2,250 from Elan City for a purchase a replacement SID sign.  The refund from the return of the previous sign would be credited back into the CIL account.

The Lengthsman planned to couple one of the existing signs to the existing solar panel.


  • RESOLVED to approve a budget of £300 for Play area inspection training for the village Lengthsman and to

·       AUTHORISE the clerk to book when available at a convenient place and date.

(g) INTERNAL CONTROLS TRAINING – OALC encouraged the Council to delegate a councillor to attend this online training on 20th October.

·       RESOLVED that Cr Johnston would attend Internal Controls Training.


·       The Lengthsman had cleaned flyposting off bus shelters and the clerk had complained to the company involved.

·       Black paint had been daubed extensively on the play area fence.

·       The Lengthsman had cleaned graffiti off road signs in Whites Lane.

·       A wasp nest above the rear pavilion door had been treated.

(i) LITTER POSTERS: It was agreed that where litter posters which had begun to deteriorate should be removed.

It was AGREED that the school should be asked to re-run the poster competition in the Spring, perhaps to coincide with the Great British Litter Pick in March, with the stipulation that the posters should be bold.  Cr Sparks undertook speak to the school.

(a) COUNTY: Cr Johnston reported:

  • I had hoped to have a meeting with the County Officers in respect of the measures for Lodge Hill.  However because of the death of the monarch, this was postponed.  I now have a meeting scheduled for this Thursday morning, so I hope to give a verbal update at the meeting.  I do know that Sunningwell PC are having a final consultation on speed limit changes etc for their Parish.  They appear to be substantially unchanged from what was proposed previously.
  • Update: Cr Johnston reported that the proposals did not include changes to the Sugworth Lane/Oxford Road junction proposed by the Radley Parish Council.
  • RESOLVED that the Council should request confirmation of changes to the scheme.
  • I would urge residents of Radley including the Parish Councillors to respond to the latest County proposals for traffic management in Oxford, it is a most important proposal which has generated strong feelings on both sides of the argument.  I think it is worth pointing out that a number of people stood for election to Oxford City Council in the May elections and none of them made any significant impact.  It is also worth pointing out that there were similar noisy arguments when Walthamstow introduced similar measures some few years ago.  They are now very widely accepted and have been shown to reduce pollution, children now play in the streets, surprisingly for some, footfall to local shops has increased and 15% of the traffic has just disappeared.  There has also been a modal shift to cycling and walking.
  • I am still chasing Vale Planning in respect of enforcement and Terra Firma.  I will give an oral update at the meeting.


(b) District- Councillors Johnston and Lugova reported:

  1. Waste Collection changes. Biffa has confirmed it is introducing new waste collection routes across both of our districts from 10 October to make their rounds more efficient and environmentally friendly Collection changes – Vale of White Horse District Council (
  2. Cost of Living support. People who are struggling with living cost can contact Vale Community Support team Tel: 01235 422600 Email: as well as other organisations including Citizen’s Advice, Oxfordshire Mind, National Energy Foundation and Abingdon Foodbank. Further information on the support is available on the Vale website:
  3. Voter registration reminder. Households across Vale of White Horse are being urged to respond as soon as possible if they receive a reminder to update their voter registration details.



The Lengthsman was reporting any concerns raised with him by residents. He reported that he has asked OCC to look again at the entrance to New Road which had not been addressed by the recent roadworks.

It was agreed that the contractor should be asked to remove signs and other clutter which had been left on the verge at the Lower Radley junction.

(b) DROPPED KERBS: The Lengthsman reported that OCC had agreed that it would be safe to install dropped kerbs in Church Road between Catharine Close and that it was also safe for a pedestrian crossing.  They asked County Councillor Johnston to write to them in requesting funding from the County’s access fund.

·       RESOLVED that the Council should write to County Councillor Johnston asking him to take up with officers the installation of a zebra crossing funded by OCC’s access fund.

(c) OCC would fund the three new poles requested for SID signs.
(d) KENNINGTON ROAD: The Council noted resident concerns on road closure and diversions Kennington Road and OCC undertaking to remove the verge on Kennington Road between Pebble Hill and Woodlands.
(e) BUS SERVICE: changes to bus routes and timetables.  Residents had complaints at the reliability of the bus service since it had been rerouted and renamed.

·       RESOLVED that the Council should enquire of OCC how close the trigger was for S106 funding for an enhanced bus service on the 31 bus route.

(f) Parish Transport Representatives meeting 19th October
(g) Oxford Road filters – for individual response
(a) The Council noted Pye Homes’ assurance that they planned to replant trees which hadn’t survived the very hot summer weather

The Council noted the Lengthsman’s report on activities which he had allocated to Radley College boys in the next two terms for their Wednesday afternoon community service.  Radley College would supply bulbs to be planted in Church Road.

As Biffa had not accomplished as much as expected on their Deep Clean, the Vale had allocated time for them to return.

111/22 THRUPP LANE: Above
112/22 CORRESPONDENCE:  The following was noted:
  1.     Grant application MyVision Oxfordshire – to take forward to November F&A
  2.     September update from the Police & Crime Commissioner
  3.     OPFA AGM
  4.     Webinar Invitation_ A Guide to responding to planning applications within the Oxford Green Belt
  5.     Your August update from OSS
  6.     OALC –  three things for your Chair
  7.     OCC newsletter- Cost of living support decisions, health checks and healthy living
  8.     Community First Oxfordshire AGM

·       None


·       Ordinary meeting:  Thursday 27th October at 7.30pm in the Church Room

(Apologies Crs Barnfather, Mulholland, Smith)


Members of the public and press were excluded from this item because the nature of the business to be transacted included exempt information, the disclosure of which

would be prejudicial to the public interest.  

The Council received an update on planning matters in Thrupp Lane.

·       RESOLVED to write to the Vale asking Enforcement to become involved in the Terrafirma site, which currently had neither planning approval or a CLEUD.



Signed……………………………………………………………Date…………………                        (Chairman)