
MINUTES – June 2022

Minutes Uploaded on October 18, 2024



PRESENT:                Crs Crowley (Chairman), Dudding, Fraser, Henderson, Mulholland, Smith, Standen.

IN ATTENDANCE: 1member of the public, Lengthsman and the Clerk


65/22 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE:  Apologies were received from Crs.  Cook, Johnston, Mulholland and Sparks

Crs Henderson and Dudding declared an interest in item 77/22 a) on future governance arrangements of village facilities as trustees of the Village Hall.

  The Council RESOLVED that it would adopt the new Oxfordshire Code of Conduct.  Training would be available in the Autumn.

It was noted that Cr Dudding has been granted a dispensation under sections 33(2) (c) and (e) of the Localism Act 2011 because it is in the interests of persons living in the parish that to ensure that the parish council’s financial interests are properly protected in the Council’s dealings with the Radley Lakes Trust that she should be able to speak at meetings on relevant matters.


The Council thanked those involved in organising the Platinum Jubilee picnic, notably Phil Henderson, Claire Jowett, John Sparke, Ed Blagrove and Yvonne Milward.


There had been no requests to fill the vacancy by election and it was

·       RESOLVED that the Council should move to co-option.

It was agreed that the vacancy should be advertised on the noticeboards, on the website and on social media with expressions of interest to come to the July meeting

70/22 MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on 26th May.  With corrections noted, the minutes were RESOLVED to be an accurate account of the meeting and signed as such by the Chairman.
  RESOLVED that the Council would pay hire charges for the PSCO’s use of the Village Hall for her Have Your Say events.

Gooseacre: A report on Mechanical and Electrical installation and sustainability options had been received and returned with further questions.

·       RESOLVED that it should be delegated to the Development Steering Group to further consider the M&E report.

·       RESOLVED to approved the appointment of ASA Landscape to advise on designs for the play area and surrounding areas to support the planning application at a cost of £2,500 plus VAT.

Two volunteers had come forward who would help particularly with play area designs and fundraising.

An expression of interest had been submitted to ACRE’s Jubilee Fund and an approach made to VWHDC for CIL support for the Gooseacre project.  The replay from Emily Smith had been very disappointing, saying that the Vale preferred to spend their portion of CIL on their own facilities.  It was

·       RESOLVED that the Council should put forward a proposal that the Vale should upgrade Barrow Hills skateboard park as this would provide facilities for older children accessible from both Abingdon and Radley.

North Radley Community building:  The project manager was exploring options for suitable prefabricated buildings.

Future governance of community facilities: It was

·       RESOLVED that proposals would be considered at the July Development Steering Group meeting and return to the next Parish Council meeting.

VAT advice from the Parkinson Partnership was noted.  This advised that, to avoid paying VAT on construction costs, the Council should either (i) provide that the lettable facilities are managed by a body other than the PC once the work is completed; or (ii) make an Option to Tax before expenditure is incurred. The latter option would mean that in future VAT would have to be charged on future lettings.

Cemetery extension: Nothing further to report.

Possible car park extension: Nothing to report

Radley Lakes:  The new car park was due to be open by the end of June, and the Barton Lane footpath surfacing was complete and the S106 application for the remaining £1,972.21 of unallocated funds to go to the Barton Fields link path project had been successful.


NW Radley – Pye had put forward plans to reduce slightly the height of the houses closest to Ferny Close.

S Kennington – Nothing to report.


The old coalyard: Concerns had been raised that trees subject of a tree preservation order were being felled. The tree officer advised that those trees were not affected, but the work was being done at an inappropriate time of year.

There was concern that a skip hire and waste transfer business was operating out of the Coalyard without the benefit of planning permission. It had been noted that businesses using the premises persistently break the working hours stipulated by their HGV licences.

·       RESOLVED that the Council should seek an update from OCC and VWHDC Enforcement.

ROMP: The Council had been asked to submit comments on information submitted to OCC.  It was

·       RESOLVED that the Council should respond and should be represented at the July OCC Planning and Regulation Committee.

·       RESOLVED to delegate to the clerk with Cr Henderson and Mr R Dudding to submit a response.

(d) Garsington Parish Council concerns regarding the Joint 2041 Local Plan were noted.

·       CONFIRMED scrutiny and acceptance of the bank statements and reconciliation, all of which were saved in the shared file.


The Council acknowledged scrutiny of the invoices for payment this month and

It was proposed by Cr Dudding, seconded by Cr Fraser and

·       RESOLVED that the accounts as itemised on the monthly cashbook should be paid.

Income   None      
Expenditure Ref Supplier Item Payment Power to Act
Date     (Gross)  
3/6/22 DD Google PC email addresses 64.40 LG Act 1972 s101
  DD Everflow Water supply allotments, pavilion 0.00


LG (Misc Provisions)1976

Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908

  DD Opus Energy Pavilion electricity 60.57 LG (Misc Provisions)1976
  DD Paypal Zoom Annual licence 143.88 LG Act 1972 s101
15/6/22 313 Mr J Rogerson Salary 65.00 Highways Act 1980 s96
  314 Ptarmigan Planning Contribution to legal fees for permissive path 1200.00 Localism Act 2011
  315 Mr J Rogerson Salary 65.00 Highways Act 1980, s.96
  316 Marcus Pendery Map for welcome booklet 105.00 LG act 1972 s 142
  317 Ms Claire Jowett Catering supplies for jubliee picnic 14.51 Localism Act 2011
23/6/22 318 HMRC PAYE and NI 613.75 LG Act 1972 s112
  319 OCC Pension Fund Staff/employer contributions 868.26 LG Act 1972 s112
  320 ST Grounds Maintenance Bin emptying, rubbish clearance 92.70 Public Health Act 1936 s2601875 s614
  321 Vanessa Morris Pavilion cleaning 450.00 LG (Misc Provisions)1976
  322 Steve Parkinson VAT advice 900.00 LG Act 1972 s111
  323 Open Spaces Society Membership 45.00 LG Act 1972 s111
  325 Jon Sherwood Lower churchyard maintenance 60.00 LG Act 1972 s215
  326 Thomas Leach Ltd Printing welcome booklet 145.00 Local Govt Act 1972 s 142
  327 David Mulholland Refund garden comp prizes 120.00 LG Act 1972 s111
  328 Oxford Tree Surgeons Fell tree Gooseacre 1,140.00 LG (Misc Provisions)1976
30/6/22 329 Mrs J E Dymock Salary (net) plus refunds 1,829.45


LG Act 1972 s112
30/6/22 330 Mr C P Lee Salary and refund for charging SIDs 444.19


LG Act 1972 s112
30/6/22 331 Mr J Rogerson Salary 71.59 Highways Act 1980 s96

The Council received proposals for alternative closing systems but considered the   Council should not incur expenditure on replacement gates while alterations were being considered to Gooseacre. In the meantime, it was

·       RESOLVED that the gate leading out to the car park should be locked and the gate leading on to the field should be removed.

The Council would seek advice from the play area designer


·        A neighbour request that the Council should cut back trees within the Churchyard behind no.39 St James Road was considered and taking into account, the good health of the trees, that they were already at their full height and their distance from the boundary, it was

·       RESOLVED that no action would be taken. 

·       AGREED that part of the beech hedge that had grown into a tree could be cut down to hedge height.

(e) STAFF:

RESOLVED to appoint a sub-committee (to the Finance and Administration committee) with delegated authority to work with the clerk to proceed the appointment of an assistant clerk.

AGREED membership Crs Dudding and Henderson

(f) GOOSEACRE: It had been advised that one of the trees on the fence line between the playing field and play area had significant rot in the base and should be felled as soon as possible.  The work had been carried out.
(g) EXTERNAL AUDIT: The Annual Return was submitted on 13th June and had been acknowledged by the External Auditor as complete.

The notices for the notification of electors’ rights were posted on the website and the noticeboard on Sunday 5th June with the period for the exercise of electors to commence on Monday 6th June and to end on Friday 15th July.

(a) COUNTY: Cr Johnston reported:


1.     The only significant item is an update on the Lodge Hill project.  We now understand that due to the very poor handover when the previous project manager left the County, that there has been further slippage.  It seems there will now be a planning application in September with a start in 2023.  It is still anticipated to take a year to complete.  As far as I know the various traffic calming features should all happen, and before work on the actual slips commences. 


(b) District- Councillors Johnston and Lugova reported:

  • Vale CIL funding response. Radley PC request was considered by Vale Cabinet after looking at other CIL budget allocation, and decided that priorities should be with Vale led projects. However, we were told that we can bring it again when we start next year budget discussion.
  • Pye Homes Development.  Pye submitted reserved matter application 16th June P22/V1422/FUL and consultations are underway. We are still chasing ground level response.
(a) There were no reports for forwarding to Fix My Street.  A number of the Lengthsman’s reports had already been actioned.
(b) WEIGHT LIMIT CONSULTATION: The Council approved of the proposal to move the weight limit on Whites Lane to suit the proposed new junction layout.
(a) GARDEN COMPETITION: Saturday 2nd July: Judges and short listers had been enlisted.  Help was still needed with driving the judges in the afternoon.
(b) MAINTENANCE: The Lengthsman reported evidence of significant nitrous oxide use on the field and around the village hall.  It was agreed that this should be reported to the PCSO.

It was reported that he collects a considerable amount of litter from the field each week and noted a considerable quantity of litter around the adjoining field.

(c) VALE LITTER MAPPING PROJECT: It was agreed that the project should be publicised in the village
77/22 THRUPP LANE: Above.
78/22 CORRESPONDENCE:  The following was noted:
  1.     Open Spaces Society Update and notice of AGM
  2.     Freshwater Habitats Trust
  3.     OCC Oxford transport plans presentation
  4.     North Hinksey Parish Council requests that the Council should support a ban on sales of peat products in stores.

·       Support for a ban on peat sales


  • Friday 1st July: Garden Competition shortlisting
  • Saturday 2nd July: Garden Competition
  • Thursday 7th July: Development Steering Group at 7pm in the Church Room
  • Saturday 16th July Garden Competition presentations at 10am in the Village Hall
  • Tuesday 19th July: Public meeting on the N Radley community room in the Church Room
  • Thursday 21st July – Finance and Administration Committee at 7.30pm in the Church Room
  • Thursday 28th July: Parish Council meeting at 7.30pm in the Church Room



Signed……………………………………………………………Date…………………                        (Chairman)