
Information: Radley News

Radley News Archive Uploaded on December 8, 2024

Radley News

Radley has its own monthly magazine, Radley News. It includes village news and features, reports from Radley organisations and clubs, information about what’s on and some local advertising.

The current editors are:

  • Ann Blake (01235 520362)
  • Priscilla Dudding (01235 520611)

The email address is:

Purchases and subscriptions

Radley News can be bought from the village shop at a cost of £1, or it can be delivered monthly to your home in return for an annual subscription of £10. Please email or ring us if you would like to arrange an annual subscription and delivery.

Submitting material

The editors welcome material for inclusion. There is no charge to publish items submitted by village organisations and clubs, and by local charities.

Articles should preferably be submitted in Word for text and JPEG for pictures, but we can work with other programmes if needed. Contributions should normally be no more than 300 words or 250 if a picture is included. For longer items, please discuss first with the editors.

Posters advertising events may be submitted in pdf form. They should be suitable for publication in portrait orientation at A5 size, or in landscape orientation at A6 size.

Most pages of Radley News are printed in black and white. A limited amount of material is printed in colour at the editors’ discretion.

Contributions should be emailed to by 20th of the preceding month at latest. For non-regular items, please let us know of your intention to submit an article as early as possible and by the 15th of the preceding month at latest.

The editors reserve the right to edit and cut material as necessary to fit available space.


Advertising charges for black and white printing are:

1 issue 6 issues 12 issues
Whole page £30 £120 £200
Half page £20 £75 £110
Quarter page £10 £45 £75

There is a 50% surcharge for printing in colour.

Material submitted as a pdf should be in portrait orientation for whole page and for quarter page advertisements, and in landscape orientation for a half page advertisement.