
Finance and Administration – Terms of Reference

Finance & Administration Uploaded on November 11, 2024

Terms of Reference

To consider in detail the financial and administrative matters of the Parish Council, ie

(a) to review the accounts and the estimates throughout the year, and prepare estimates to allow Parish Council to determine the precept
(b) to review salary of the Clerk
(c) to review insurance cover
(d) to consider in detail any tenders obtained by the Parish Council
(e) to consider the financial implications of any matters raised by Committees/Working Groups
(f) to agree payment of accounts for items previously approved by the Parish Council
(g) to ensure that the Parish Council meets its internal audit requirements
(h) to report to the Parish Council on the detailed plans for refurbishment of the present play area equipment, and to formulate plans for the replacement of the play area/play equipment
(i) to ensure the completion of the sports pavilion is undertaken as soon as possible
(j) any other administrative matters.

To oversee the usage and conditions of the Parish Playing Field Facilities comprising the Sports Pavilion, the Playing Fields at Gooseacre and Thrupp Lane and Play Area at Gooseacre, and any other play facilities that become the responsibility of the Parish Council. These duties and responsibilities include:

i. The day-to-day running of the Playing Field Facilities.
ii. The booking and use of the Playing Fields and Sports Pavilion. Bookings will be made through the Playing Fields Coordinator or the Clerk. The Council reserves the right to refuse any booking.
iii. The maintenance of the Playing Fields, including timing of cuts and repairs.
iv. The maintenance and cleaning of the Pavilion and to ensure that Urgent Essential Maintenance (see definition below) is carried out promptly and effectively.
v. To monitor and ensure that:

a) Equipment and facilities are safe to use.
b) The Playing Field or Pavilion is used in a safe and orderly manner in accordance with Terms of Permitted Use.
c) Usage of the Playing Field Facilities is not detrimental to their condition.
d) The facilities are available to anyone who wishes to use them, subject to a), b), c) above.

vi. To plan and schedule maintenance and repair work.
vii. To recommend appropriate rental fees and other charges for use of the Playing Field Facilities.
viii. To review the Terms of Permitted Use.
ix. To manage and oversee the provision of new facilities as and when required to do so.

To assist the Committee with these responsibilities, particularly those under items i.-v. above, a Playing Field Coordinator shall be appointed. The principal duties of the Coordinator shall be actively to manage items i.-v. above and to provide a summary report of those activities to the Finance and Administration Committee at each of its meetings. The Clerk, with the agreement of the Coordinator, is pre-authorised to arrange for Urgent Essential Maintenance to be carried out at a cost per incident of up to £200, or other amount decided by the Council. Payment will be made under Para 3.4 of the Council’s Financial Regulations. If higher amounts are required, then prior authorisation will be required as per Para 3.4 of the Financial Regulations. A Deputy Coordinator will be appointed to act when the Coordinator is absent or unavailable.

Urgent Essential Maintenance is defined to be that which is required for any of the following reasons.

i. Public safety including safety of users of the facilities.
ii. Security of the building(s) and their contents.
iii. Protection of the fabric of the building(s) from immediate and significant damage.
iv. Protection of the services to the building(s) and the Council’s liability for those services.
v. Compliance with any statutory regulations affecting the facilities.