Lynda Crowley (Chair)
Harriet Moggridge
Nominated representatives:
Phil Henderson – St James the Great Church
Andrew Ashton – Radley College
Craig Woolhouse – Radley Lakes Trust
In attendance:
David Pendery (Architect – Gooseacre redevelopment and Lawns Community Building)
Assistant Clerk
- Chris Henderson
- Rob McDermott
- David Tannahill
- Gareth Mulcahy – Radley Primary School
- APPROVED the minutes from the 12th September 2024.
- Gooseacre
- The village hall internal roof covered in Artex with asbestos. D. Pendry investigating if a local builder would carry out the work. If not, a licensed contractor would be required to remove the asbestos.
- Gooseacre
- North Radley Room
- The land has been transferred to Radley Parish Council.
- The drainage connection will be designed to link into Redrow sewers. D. Pendery is working on finding information required about levels.
- The soil investigations will determine the soakaway plans.
- RISK – During the ground investigations it was noted the ground is clay and not adequate for drainage. There is a risk this has an implication on costs, as ground materials may need to be purchased so that it mitigates any futures issues of the car park “sinking”, and the Rotunda building may need longer ground screws. More information is required before any estimate of possible additional costs can be provided.
- Building regulations application should be decided in December 2024. Once approved Rotunda can start manufacturing the building.
- Air source pump information has been shared with Rotunda, who are now in discussions with contractors to cover their requirements and will provide three quotes for the Council to consider.
- RECOMMENDED to submit a non-material amendment to update the plan with the small changes since planning was approved. It was noted that if it is not submitted RPC will be held accountable as they own the building, and the artist’s planning application drawings for his planning approval for the art installation will show the updated design.
- User requirements for the heat installation have been completed and shared with Rotunda.
- Quotes for electricity and water to the building are in progress.
- VoWH want confirmation from the land registry that the Parish council own the land before they will pay the s106 funds. RESOLVED that the Clerk will ask for confirmation from the solicitors that the land has been transferred to share with VoWH.
- The art installation work is independent from the build of the Rotunda building. The artist will require 40k payment in advance of starting his work. Radley Parish Council will have to approve the payment, once the VoWH have transferred the s106 funds to Radley Parish Council.
- RESOLVED for the Clerk to confirm if Radley Parish Council pay 40% of the original Rotunda quote or of the revised quotes that is still to come through as minor amendments have since been made. Noted that Radley Parish Council would have to approve the payment.
- RECOMMENDED not to plant the 6 sapling trees received, around the perimeter until this time next year due to the risk they could get damaged.
- Ashton will share a contact within Radley College to P. Henderson of where the trees can be stored in the meantime.
- Radley Lakes Trust
- A successful AGM was held.
- The fungi and bird walks were carried out.
- On the 8th February a quiz fundraiser is planned and being held at the Northcourt Centre.
- The Abingdon marathon gave RLT £2,100.00 for their help in stewarding the event.
- Considerations are being made on hiring a contractor to aid with future projects on the masterplan. RESOLVED for C. Woolhouse to speak to Dave Cookson (VoWH Infrastructure Implementation Officer) to confirm if S106 funds can be spent on contractors, and when a proposal to draw down funds from Radley Parish Council to include contractor costs.
- A request for funds to Radley Parish Council is planned in April for footpath improvements around Thrupp Lake by the wooden bridge working back part of the way to Tuckwells yard and raise it above the water levels.
- John Curtis funded mowing of the glades.
- A book has been produced on the history and ecology of the lakes which was funded by Save Radley Lakes and donated to Radley Lakes Trust to sell and receive the profits. It will be ready for sale in January 2025.
- Cemetery Extension
- Awaiting a response from PCC.
- Welcome Booklets
- No update.
- Car Park Frontage
- The strip of ground between the car park and road had been strimmed and would be added to the ground contractor list of areas to maintain for next year.
- Rotunda costs have not yet been confirmed. Once Rotunda provides a final quote and external quotes come in, all lines items need to be reviewed as currently 117k over budget, which does not include the risks to the budget identified from the ground investigations.
- Once the Rotunda full costings are in, it needs to be reviewed along with all the other remaining CIL projects with a decision to be made on how the CIL funds gets reproportioned. All would require approval from Radley Parish Council.
- Website
- The new website – will go live on the 10th
- Website
- Neighbourhood Plan policies monitoring report
Future dates of meetings noted as:
- 9th January at 7pm over Zoom
- 13th March at 7pm in the Church Room
- 12th June at 7pm in the Church Room
- 11th September at 7pm in the Church Room