Meeting Thursday 16th November 2023 at 7.00 pm in the Church Room, Radley
Meeting papers are attached and saved here
1. | ELECT a chairman for the meeting. |
RECEIVE apologies for absence. (Andrew Ashton) |
ADOPT the draft minutes of the September 14th meeting as an accurate account of the meeting. |
Resignations: Bob Earl (Village Shop/Co-opted member) and Sheila Smith (Village Hall/Co-opted member). The Shop had been asked to propose a new volunteer. The Council has been asked to delegate a parish councillor to join the Village Hall management committee. |
HEAR updates and consider any actions arising |
1. Gooseacre (David Pendery):
· Planning application, next steps and funding. |
2. North Radley Room (David Pendery, Phil Henderson):
– Planning permission received 29th September. – Site handover and access to the site. – Budget update – Committee questions on the contract with Rotunda – Councillors are due to have a Zoom call with Rotunda to discuss concerns on the payment model. As a prefabricated building, stage payments are required at each stage. – Public Art: The Council has delegated to the project group to make proposals on how the funds will be used. – Note proposition on grants at item 6. |
3. Radley Lakes Trust (Craig Woolhouse) | |
4. Cemetery extension:
Updates: Environment Agency: None, Cole Easdon: None, Oxford Diocese: None. The clerk has been asked to seek budget costs for a) reports for the land adjacent to the current cemetery and b) for reusing graves in the oldest part of the Churchyard if not already in progress by the PCC. |
5. Car park:
Pye completed the white lining and tarmac over the summer but are being very slow to confirm completion. The Radley Environment Group proposal for the car park frontage have been agreed by the Council but need to be costed. An allocation is included in the budget. The proposed signage will be highlighted in this month’s communications and the wording will go to the Council for approval. |
6. Welcome booklet: Request that a budget should be allocated to producing an update and printing copies. £600 proposed. | |
1. NOTE CIL programme financial update 2. CONSIDER recommendations on the budget: · That the sum currently allocated to “road safety around the school” should be reallocated to CIL projects currently in progress. · That grant aid should be sought for the North Radley Room to mitigate deficits elsewhere in the budget. · £600 allocated for the welcome booklet update. |
7. | OTHER UPDATES – for information |
20mph: The report went to the September Parish Council meeting and has been published on the website (link). . Based on the survey results, the recommendation has gone to Oxfordshire County Council that:
“Kennington Road, Whites Lane, Church Road and Foxborough Road should remain 30mph. Roads off Church Road and Foxborough Road including Lower Radley and also Thrupp Lane and Sugworth Lane should become 20mph.” Additional comments (attached) have been collated and will be taken to Highways. |
11th January 2024 14th March 13th June 12th September All Thursdays at 7pm in the Church Room. |