COUNCILLORS ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO A MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE of Radley Parish Council to be held at 7.15 pm on THURSDAY 23rd JANUARY 2025 in the CHURCH ROOM, Radley to transact the business set out below.
Jane Dymock (Clerk)
17th January 2025
1. | APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: To receive |
DISPENSATIONS: To consider any requests for a dispensation from the restriction on voting on a matter in which a member has a disclosable pecuniary interest. |
Ten minutes in total are available for members of the public to express a view or ask a question on relevant matters on the following agenda or raise a question for discussion at a future meeting of the Council. | |
4. | PLANNING APPLICATIONS: The committee is asked to comment on the following applications: |
Erection of a greenhouse 110 Lower Radley Abingdon OX14 3BA |
5. | OTHER APPLICATIONS – for information only |
5.1 | P25/V0048/CM – County application – comments already submitted
Coalyard Thrupp Lane Radley Abingdon OX14 3NG Part retrospective change of use from a former coal yard (sui generis) to a waste transfer station and recycling facility (sui generis) for the receipt and treatment of mixed, dry, nonhazardous construction, demolition and excavation waste including operational development comprising the removal and replacement of a concrete wall to the northern boundary, erection of concrete storage bays for storing waste material, skip storage and minor excavation works to install a full retention interceptor storage tank and surface water catchment pit. |
5.2 | P24/V2734/DIS
Site Of 1 Sugworth Crescent Radley Abingdon OX14 2JR Discharge of conditions 3 (Visibility Splays) , 4 (surface water drainage scheme) , 5 (foul water drainage scheme), 6 (hard and soft landscaping) , 8 (internal and external boundaries), 9 (bat and bird boxes) and 13 (samples of the materials) on application P22/V1120/FUL APP/V3120/W/23/3323192 (Erection of two dwellings with associated access and landscaping)
6.1 | Decisions made by the District Council since the last meeting |
22 Ferny Close Radley Abingdon OX14 3AN Front infill single storey extension. Planning Permission 18 Sugworth Lane Radley Abingdon OX14 2HY Single storey side extension to form attached garage. Planning Permission Land at Thrupp Farm Radley Abingdon Oxfordshire Application for determination of the conditions to which a planning permission is to be subject (Permission numbers DD1 and DD2) County Matter-Approval Wick Cottage Wick Hall Radley Abingdon OX14 3NF Internal refurbishment and improvements to existing residential accommodation, including window repairs and replacement, upgrading with double glazing, remedial work to damp penetration including new insulated ground bearing slabs and replacement of existing mechanical and electrical services. Alterations to create new access to storage cupboards in first floor bedrooms and removal of C20 partitions in former barn midstrey to create new dining area adjacent existing kitchen. (Amended plans and information received 26 November 2024 to omit works to the roof) Listed Building Consent The Stables Sugworth Lane Radley Abingdon OX14 2HX Revision to existing approval P24/V0527/HH to widen extension but lower approved eaves and use weather boarding to soften materials. Planning Permission Radley College Radley Abingdon OX14 2HR Variation of Conditions 2 (Approved Plans), 5 (Landscape) and 6 (Materials) on planning application P24/V1395/S73 – to allow for some minor changes to the approved elevations. Further details of landscaping and external materials have also been submitted in accordance with Condition 5 (Landscaping) and Condition 6 (Materials). Suggested revised wording for Conditions 2, 5 and 6 (all of which would become compliance conditions). (Variation of conditions 3 (Tree protection), 4 (Drainage Details (Surface Water) & 6 (Travel Plan) on planning application P23/V0579/FUL.(as amended by information received 6 August 2024). Alterations and extensions to the Music School, including alterations to access, car parking and landscaping) Planning Permission 12 Ferny Close Radley Abingdon OX14 3AN Single storey front extension, lean to roof over, facing brick to match existing, extension to provide porch area with storage & extend existing dining room. Planning permission |
Thursday 27th February at 7.15pm in the Church Room – if needed |