
AGENDA Parish Council Meeting – June 2024

Agendas Uploaded on December 8, 2024

Councillors Crowley, Barnfather, Frank, Henderson, Johnston, McDermott, Moggridge, Sparks and Tannahill ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO A MEETING OF RADLEY PARISH COUNCIL which will be held on Thursday 27th JUNE 2024 in the Church Room, Radley at 7.30pm to transact the business set out below.

Jane Dymock (Clerk)

21 June 2024


  ·       TO RECEIVE
  Councillors who are unable to attend should inform the clerk by 2pm on the day of the meeting, stating the reason for their absence.
·       TO RECEIVE declarations of interest [i]
  ·       TO RECEIVE and consider
4. MATTERS RAISED BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC:                                                   
  Members of the public present are invited to express a view or ask a question on relevant matters on the agenda or raise a question for discussion at a future meeting of the Council.
5. MINUTES:                                                                                                                      
·       TO APPROVE the draft minutes of the May 2024 Parish Council meeting
6.1 TO AGREE members of committees and advisory working groups Note: The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are ex-officio members of all committees and advisory working groups
7. POLICE MATTERS:                                                                                                                
  ·       TO RAISE any matters for reporting to the police
8. PLANNING MATTERS                                                                                                   



·       NOTE minutes of the Development Steering Group meeting 13th June 2024

·       NOTE updates and consider matters arising:

1. Gooseacre:

·       CONSIDER landscape consultant quotes (to follow).

2. Lawns Community Building:

i.          ACCEPT the CIO’s recommendation on the artist design for a canopy at the front of the building.

ii.         APPROVE building to be moved 1.2m further into the site to accommodate the artist designed canopy. This will require planning consent as a minor amendment.

An application to discharge a pre-commencement condition has been submitted.

3. Cemetery: None.

The PCC representative is seeking clarification on

i.         the Vale’s responsibility for providing grave space and

ii.         Whether any spaces which have been reserved have not been taken up.

4. Radley Lakes:
5. APPROVE the Annual CIL report for submission to the District Council.
1.     i Church Farm:

Site visit to be arranged for the end of June/July.

2. North Abingdon: None
3. The Lawns: None

·       TO HEAR reports

1. Coalyard
2. ROMP: None
3. Terra Firma
8.4 SEWERAGE in Lower Radley:

·       NOTE i) that Thames Water have closed the Council’s query (see file document) and

ii) A resident is due to speak to Thames Water at the beginning of July and separately to

·       RECEIVE a draft letter from residents which they would like the Council to send to Thames Water.

·       CONSIDER actions arising.


1.     TO ACKNOWLEDGE scrutiny and acceptance of the monthly bank statements and reconciliation (file document) (for signing by the meeting chairman).

2.     NOTE the budget udpdate.

9.2 1.     TO ACKNOWLEDGE scrutiny of the invoices for payment this month and confirm by signing of the monthly schedule of payments.

2.     TO APPROVE accounts for payment as itemised on the monthly cashbook for June

9.3 ·       APPROVE reinvesting maturing Cambridge and Counties bond into a 6 month bond at 4.7% (total sum to be reinvested £156,408.83 including interest)
9.4 ·       APPROVE the draft Credit Card Use policy
1.     NOTE findings of Internal Audit

2.     RECEIVE a report on reserves

1.     TO NOTE that the External Auditor returned a qualified opinion for 23/24 and this was reported at the January 2024 Parish Council meeting
Publication requirements 22-23 AGAR

The Statement of Accounts, Annual Governance Statement and the external audit certificate for 22-23 are published on the Annual Returns page on the Council website. The Conclusion of Audit Certificate is published on the Council website, with a date of 28 September. This is before the statutory deadline of 30 September, and after the date of the external audit certificate – 26 September. The External Audit Certificate was qualified

And the Internal Auditor’s recommendation

a) Council should take care to ensure that minute references are correct on the annual return  and

b) section 7 of the Annual Governance Statement should be marked “no” on the Annual Return for 23/24

2.     APPROVE the Annual Governance Statement (file document)
3.     APPROVE the AGAR for signing and submission.
4.     APPROVE dates for the period of electors’ rights at 1st July to 9th August (30 working days inclusive).

1.     CONSIDER engaging a contractor to

a) strim front of car park.

(Propose Funded by the Conservation/tree planting budget [£1000]. Tree pruning budget to be held for tree safety work) and

b) cut the hedge alongside the path to the school

2.     NOTE that in response to a complaint, the assistant clerk has cut the hedge alongside the car park-school path where it hung over the path.


1.      REVIEW assistant clerk temporary increase in hours to cover Lengthsman checks – recommendation that 3 hours per week (from 2) is more realistic.

2.      APPROVE health and safety training for the Assistant Clerk and Clerk.  £30.50 per course online from Cherwell District Council. (HR requirement that it can be demonstrated that staff are suitably trained for activities they are carrying out) .

3.      APPROVE terms of reference for a personnel committee with delegated powers to deal with complaints and disciplinary matters (statutory requirement). To be instituted as needed.

4.      APPROVE the draft Recruitment and Selection Policy (OALC template)

5.      AGREE members to progress the Lengthsman recruitment.


·       AGREE arrangements for the Parish Council display at the school fete

i.         Content of quiz

ii.         Expenditure £20 for prize + sweets + printing + stationery (budget £50)

iii.         Approval for Radley Lakes Trust to access the pond at their own risk to take water for their mini-beasts stall and to indemnify the Council against any risks arising from the activity.

iv.         Note the content of the leaflet.

·       APPROVE Radley Lakes Trust to access the pond and use pond water for their pond dipping activity


·       TO CONSIDER complaints about parking and traffic management for the tournament held at Gooseacre on 1st and 2nd June and consider any action.


Finance and Administration committee recommendation that some subscriptions which have traditionally been held should be suspended for economy reasons.

Recommend that the following should not be renewed.

Organisation Renewal cost
Open Spaces Society Campaign group that works to protect public rights of way and open spaces in the UK £45.00
ParishOnline Mapping £240.00 Rarely used. Can be re-started if there is a particular need
LiveDrive Online back up £76.90 Documents are saved to a shared OneDrive and on Google Drive.

·       NOTE website report –

Working group is due to meet on 24th June and to come forward with recommendations.

  ·       TO RECEIVE reports from the District and County councillors.

Councillors Johnston, Cox and Lugova will submit their reports in writing in advance of the meeting and will receive any comments from councillors during the meeting.

11. HIGHWAY MATTERS:                                                                                                        
11.1 Fix My Street

1.     TO RECEIVE any reports of any highway problems for submission on Fix My Street.

2.     TO RECEIVE Any updates on reports previously made

3.     NOTE the Fix My Street super user report that in the first half of June he actioned 7 repairs in Lower Radley and 5 in Sugworth Lane

12 CONSERVATION:                                                                                                                 

·       TO CONSIDER future maintenance.

13. ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA:                                                                            
  ·       TO AGREE
14. CORRESPONDENCE: for information only – see the shared file
14.1 Oxfordshire Councils Charter
14.2 The Abingdon Bridge AGM invitation
14.3 OCC newsletter
14.4 CPRE April Newsletter
14.5 OALC May newsletter
14.6 Concert invitation
14.7 The Abingdon Bridge Impact Sheet
14.8 Joint EWR campaign
Other items of correspondence have been circulated by email during the month.
15. CONFIRMATION OF THE DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS:                                      

2024 Meetings

Thursday 18th July 7.30pm Finance and Administration Committee Radley Church Room
Thursday 25th July 7pm Planning Committee Radley Church Room
Thursday 25th July 7.30pm Ordinary Meeting Radley Church Room
Thursday 22nd August 7pm Planning Committee Radley Church Room
Thursday 22nd August 7.30pm Ordinary Meeting (if required) Radley Church Room
Thursday 12th September 7pm Development Steering Group Radley Church Room
Thursday 26th September 7pm Planning Committee Radley Church Room
Thursday 26th September 7.30pm Ordinary Meeting Radley Church Room
Thursday 24th October 7pm Planning Committee Radley Church Room
Thursday 24th October 7.30pm Ordinary Meeting Radley Church Room
Thursday 14st November 7.30pm Finance and Administration Committee Radley Church Room
Thursday 28th November 7pm Planning Committee Radley Church Room
Thursday 28th November 7.30pm Ordinary Meeting Radley Church Room
Thursday 12th December 7pm Planning Committee Radley Church Room
Thursday 12th December 7.30pm Ordinary Meeting Radley Church Room

[i] Notes on declaration of interest.

Any Member arriving after the start of the meeting is asked to declare pecuniary interests, as necessary, as soon as practicable after their arrival, even if the item in question has been considered. National rules about pecuniary interests are set out in Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 208 and in secondary legislation made under the Act, in particular The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012