
AGENDA Parish Council meeting – April 2024

Agendas Uploaded on October 18, 2024

NOTICE OF A MEETING OF RADLEY PARISH COUNCIL which will be held on Thursday 25th April 2024 in the Church Room, Radley at 7.30pm to transact the business set out below.

Jane Dymock (Clerk)

19th April 2024


  ·       TO RECEIVE
  Councillors who are unable to attend should inform the clerk by 2pm on the day of the meeting, stating the reason for their absence.
·       TO RECEIVE declarations of interest [i]
  ·       TO RECEIVE and note
4. MATTERS RAISED BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC:                                                   
  Members of the public present are invited to express a view or ask a question on relevant matters on the agenda or raise a question for discussion at a future meeting of the Council.
5. MINUTES:                                                                                                                      
·       TO APPROVE the draft minutes of the March 2024 Parish Council meeting (file document)

·       NOTE the date of the Annual Parish Meeting to be held in the Bowyer Arms at 11am on Saturday 18th May.  All councillors are asked to attend. Village groups have been invited.

·       CONSIDER if the Council should take a stall at the school fete on 13th July

6 POLICE MATTERS:                                                                                                                
  ·       TO RAISE any matters for reporting to the police
7. PLANNING MATTERS                                                                                                    



·       NOTE updates and CONSIDER matters arising on:

  i. Gooseacre:
ii. Lawns Community Building:

·     Rotunda and project manager progress update

·     S106 public art application

·     The Council is asked to approve a stage payment for the work that the artist has completed to date.

iii. Cemetery: None
iv. Radley Lakes: None
i Church Farm:

·      NOTE draft notes of a meeting with Pye Homes.

·      NOTE that the Whites Lane/Foxborough Road junction continues to be delayed by land ownership issues.  Pye have made an application to register the relevant small piece of land and are dependent on the Land Registry. The work on-road part of the work won’t be able to start until Spring 2025.

ii North Abingdon: None
iii The Lawns:

·      NOTE Resident concern that decorative mounds around the play area present a hazard for children who can access the play area by jumping off them passed to Redrow.


·       TO HEAR updates on

i.       Old Coal yard: Additional documents: After discussion and considering the documents, the Council’s response was that the previous objection stands.

ii.        ROMP: None

iii.        Terra Firma: None

7.4 SEWERAGE in Lower Radley:

·       NOTE initial response to the questions raised by residents at last month’s meeting (to follow)


1.     TO ACKNOWLEDGE scrutiny and acceptance of the monthly bank statements and reconciliation (file document) (for signing by the meeting chairman).

2.     NOTE the end of year reports.

The end of year accounts and reports will go to the 16th May meeting of the Finance and Administration committee.

The end of year internal audit is set for 12th June.

8.2 1.     TO ACKNOWLEDGE scrutiny of the invoices for payment this month (link).  and signing of the monthly schedule of payments.

2.     TO APPROVE accounts for payment as itemised on the monthly cashbook for April.

·       TO APPROVE the 2024 Asset register

·       TO CONSIDER quotes – report to follow


·       TO RECEIVE a report and

·       CONSIDER its recommendations on updating the website.


·       TO NOTE the annual risk assessment recommendations and quote.

·       Recommendation: The Council should address any urgent items which are raised in the Quarterly inspections, pending full replacement of the equipment in later in the year.

  ·       TO RECEIVE reports from the District and County councillors.

Councillors Johnston, Cox and Lugova will submit their reports in writing in advance of the meeting and will receive any comments from councillors during the meeting.

10 HIGHWAY MATTERS:                                                                                                        
10.1 Fix My Street

1.     TO RECEIVE any reports of any highway problems for submission on Fix My Street.

2.     TO RECEIVE Any updates on reports previously made


·       TO NOTE OCC’s proposals for new shelters in the village, to be funded by S106 from Church Farm and for RTI on each stop (proposal attached): Sugworth Crescent, Radley College, Gooseacre/Foxborough Road Oxford direction, Church Road Oxford direction. RTI will be fitted later at Foxborough Road/Stonhouse Crescent (Oxford direction) and both Pebble Hill stops.

Radley College confirm that they are happy to have a standard green shelter installed opposite their entrance.

11. CONSERVATION:                                                                                                                 

·       TO HEAR an update


·       TO APPROVE a budget of £200 for running costs and prizes. And to agree that the £200 grant from Abingdon Marathon should be transferred from reserves to cover this.

11.3 Grass cutting- consider quotes (following)
11.4 ·       TO CONSIDER CPRE Oxfordshire’s invitation to express an interest in rooftop solar audits.
12. ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA:                                                                            
  ·       TO AGREE
13. CORRESPONDENCE: for information only – see the shared file
13.1 OALC February update
13.2 Oxfordshire County Council newsletter 18-4-24
13.3 Oxford Airport new air space proposals consultation
13.4 CFO Newsletter April 2024
13.5 Vale consultation: Join the conversation on plan to put communities at the heart of everything
14. CONFIRMATION OF THE DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS:                                      
14.1 ·       Finance and Administration Committee: Thursday 16th May at 7.30pm in the Church Room

·       Parish meeting: Saturday 16th May at 11am in the Bowyer Arms

·       Planning committee: Thursday 23rd May 2024 at 7pm (if needed).

·       Annual meeting of the Parish Council Thursday 23rd May at 7.30pm in the Church Room, Radley.


































2024 Meetings

Date Time Meeting Location
Thursday 16th May 7.30pm Finance and Administration Committee Radley Church Room
Saturday 18th May 11am Annual Parish Assembly To be confirmed
Thursday 23rd May 7.30pm Annual Meeting Radley Church Room
Thursday 13th June 7pm Development Steering Group Radley Church Room
Thursday 27th June 7pm Planning Committee Radley Church Room
Thursday 27th June 7.30pm Ordinary Meeting Radley Church Room
Thursday 11th July 7.30pm Finance and Administration Committee Radley Church Room
Thursday 25th July 7pm Planning Committee Radley Church Room
Thursday 25th July 7.30pm Ordinary Meeting Radley Church Room
Thursday 22nd August 7pm Planning Committee Radley Church Room
Thursday 22nd August 7.30pm Ordinary Meeting (if required) Radley Church Room
Thursday 12th September 7pm Development Steering Group Radley Church Room
Thursday 26th September 7pm Planning Committee Radley Church Room
Thursday 26th September 7.30pm Ordinary Meeting Radley Church Room
Thursday 24th October 7pm Planning Committee Radley Church Room
Thursday 24th October 7.30pm Ordinary Meeting Radley Church Room
Thursday 14st November 7.30pm Finance and Administration Committee Radley Church Room
Thursday 28th November 7pm Planning Committee Radley Church Room
Thursday 28th November 7.30pm Ordinary Meeting Radley Church Room
Thursday 12th December 7pm Planning Committee Radley Church Room
Thursday 12th December 7.30pm Ordinary Meeting Radley Church Room

[i] Notes on declaration of interest.

Any Member arriving after the start of the meeting is asked to declare pecuniary interests, as necessary, as soon as practicable after their arrival, even if the item in question has been considered. National rules about pecuniary interests are set out in Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 and in secondary legislation made under the Act, in particular The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012