
RRG November 2024 Newsletter

RRG Newsletters Uploaded on December 8, 2024

What we have been doing

November 2024

For our meeting in October, we had an “Open meeting” when we asked members to tell us about any famous people they had met and we were very surprised by the number of members who were willing to stand up and tell us about them.  We had one member who had been at school with Miriam Margolyes of Harry Potter fame, another who had been at school with Dawn French and knew even then that Dawn was destined for greater things. We also had someone who had met Earl Spencer and Andy Fairweather Low, of the pop group “Amen Corner” but none could top one of our new members who had met Nelson Mandela. After a very lively discussion we had a few games of Bingo which most of the members seemed to enjoy.

  1. Menus are now available, from Diane, for our Anniversary lunch on January 11th at Coseners House price £33. This is for members only.
  2. If you were hoping to attend our first film show of the winter in September, I must apologise for giving the wrong date. We are in fact showing the film on Tuesday November 19th in the VILLAGE HALL at 2pm.  We will be showing the film “The Imitation Game” which is about Alan Turing, a British mathematician who joins the cryptography team to decipher the German enigma code. As we had a visit to Bletchley Park earlier in the year, we thought this would be a good “follow up” film to see. The cost is only £3 including a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit. All are welcome.
  3. Our last outing of this year will be a visit to Southampton Christmas Market on Tuesday November 26th. (see below).
  4. On December 10th we will have our Christmas party in the Village Hall which again is for members only and you will require a ticket to attend. This is for catering purposes. We also need to know if anyone attending has any allergies. Tickets will be available at the next meeting.
  5. Could I please remind members that subscriptions will be be due in January.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 12th November when Chris will be taking the meeting with a “Musical Event” This is a change from our advertised programme as Chris was away in October.

If you would like to go on the outing to Southampton then please contact Graham on 01235 55187 or


Upcoming events

November 6th and 20th :  Bingo in the Village Hall at 7pm.

November 12th:  Main meeting “Musical Event” in the Village Hall at 2pm

November 19th:  Film – “The Imitation Game” – 2pm in the Village Hall. Cost is £3 including tea/coffee and a biscuit.

November 26th: Southampton Christmas Market.  The cost for this trip will be £26 for members, £30 for non-members and £24 for those members who regularly attend the Bingo sessions.

December 10th: Christmas party (members only, by advance ticket)

January 11th: Anniversary lunch at Cosenors House.  The cost of this is £33 (members only)



We hope we shall soon be enjoying our autumn break in Paignton which I hope to report on next month.

The holiday to Benalmadena in Spain is now full but if you would like to add your name to a waiting list in case of a cancellation then please contact Judith on 07855 047239 or