

Radley Parish Council own and maintain three defibrillators aided by grants from British Heart Foundation and Radley Village Shop.

They are located at:

  • Radley Village Hall (OX14 3BL)
  • Radley Village Shop (OX14 3GN)
  • Radley Pebble Hill (OX14 2JT)

Access codes are available from emergency service operators if you have requested an ambulance in the event of a cardiac emergency.

In an emergency ALWAYS dial 999 first!

In the case of a suspected cardiac arrest, time is of the essence, and you must locate your nearest AED. dial 999 before attempting Alternative number: You can also dial 112 from any mobile number, anywhere in Europe (and most parts of the world) and this will also transfer you to the appropriate emergency services. Dialling 112 will also triangulate your position to the emergency services so they can accurately pin point your location if necessary.